
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Many Questions


To answer the many questions submitted to me.
  I offer my reproduction banknotes 10 for $5.00 and I ship anywhere in the world and pay for shipping. I offer an extensive line of banknotes from various countries and various denominations from around the world covering the time frame of 1850 to 1918 and I am currently in production for certain 18th century/Regency Era banknotes as well as starting a limited production of WWII era notes. Let me know your thoughts. I have an account with Paypal which the account number is:
  Feel free to see more pictures of my reproduction banknotes and other props I have created for customers on Deviant Art

and I also maintain a Facebook account with some interesting additional material.
I look forward to doing business with you.
At your service.

Sincerely and With Respect,

Professor Otto the Confused

At the Mountains of Madness props

 Here are some additional Lovecraft props inspired by the story, At the Mountains of Madness. Perhaps, I need to create some old artifacts now and I definitely need to do a little more work to the box to give it a more convincing look and feel. At your service.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


     A friend asked me the other day, how did I get so interested in the Steampunk or Victorian Sci-fi/Horror genre? Well..........

...... there were many things; however among the most influencing were movies. Of course
 I was not alive when these movies were released in theater, but I did see them again and again as reruns  on T.V. while growing up.These are only a couple of examples. There have been many films that have led to my interest in Steampunk and Victorian Sci-fi/Horror.  Of course, there are too many to list here.

~At Your Service

Love of Lovecraft

Again the cold snowy weather has allowed me much time in the studio working on various projects of interest. Since my love for the world H.P. Lovecraft created will never die, I thought about creating some more curious pieces. At your service.

New batch off the Printing Press

 As always I am at work keeping up with demand of product. I just printed a batch of French Francs and another batch of my popular British Victorian notes. The snow here on the east coast has allowed much time for development of new work. At your service.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


 Here is a reproduction of a U.S. banknote from the Revolutionary War era. This was made as a special order for a customer. I am proud of the results, since it is not an era I am too familiar with. Which is a shame.

At your service,

Lovecraft Props

 Some props for my personal collection and love of H.P. Lovecraft's creations. These wonderful pdf props were from Propnomicon Blog  A wonderful blog site full of amazing prop pieces and a fantastic source of other prop related "how-to's".

 At your service,

Monday, January 20, 2014

Printing Press on Full-Power

  My Reproduction Banknote printing is at full-power to keep product in stock for my wonderful and imaginative customers. Here are the most popular countries photographed, reproduction Victorian Era UK notes being my number one seller right now. As always I sell them reproduction banknotes 10 for $5.00 and I send them anywhere in the world. Did I mention I pay for postage? WHAT!! Yep, my dear ladies and gents I will pay for postage. As always I am at your service.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Going Postal for Props

“But, in truth, it had not exactly been gold, or even the promise of gold, but more like the fantasy of gold, the fairy dream that the gold is there, at the end of the rainbow, and will continue to be there forever - provided, naturally, that you don't go and look. This is known as finance.” 
― Terry PratchettGoing Postal

  Here are some Discworld Props I have been working on over the holidays. Ankh-Moorpork Stamps, Letterhead and Banknotes. More ideas in the works. Lots to do.

At your service.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Year

 Well, the New Year has started up and with that comes a new semester at the university. New ideas and new projects in the works. I made this quick little book monster inspired by Harry Potter's Monster Book. My niece thought it was cute, of course she is 6 years old and starting her imagination quite early as I did. I hope to have pictures soon of my new paper props in the works. "..Stay tuned true believers.."
Also, I received a wonderful late Christmas present. A new pillow for the studio.

"Haven't got a Sou?"  Do you need some extra cash, a Fiver or Tenner to impress those distant relations or fund a trip to far off lands. Well Ladies and Gentleman, for you straight from the lab of Professor Otto the Confused. I offer Reproduction Victorian Era to WWII Bank Notes. Each one is handcrafted by enslaved Martian Invaders and be assured my good Ladies and Gentleman that no Venution or Moon Man was ever harmed during the printing process. Have that extra detail that you need to finish off that outfit.
 For a small amount of $5.00 yes, that's right only $5.00 you can receive 10 reproduction Bank Notes sent directly to you anywhere in the world and I pay for postage. If you have any questions, concerns, worries, alarms please feel free to contact me via this post or at seeingmonsters32@msn.

At your service.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Airship History

A little Airship history for you all.
Étienne Montgolfier was the first human to lift off the earth, making at least one tethered flight from the yard of the Réveillon workshop in the Faubourg Saint-Antoine in October 1783. A little while later on that same day, Pilâtre de Rozier became the second to ascend into the air, to an altitude of 80 feet (24 m), which was the length of the tether. On 21 November 1783, the first free flight by humans was made by Pilâtre, and the Marquis d'Arlandes. The flight began from the grounds of the Château de la Muette (close to the Bois de Boulogne park) in the western outskirts of Paris. They flew aloft about 3,000 feet (910 m) above Paris for a distance of nine kilometres. After 25 minutes, the machine landed between the windmills, outside the city ramparts, on the Butte-aux-Cailles.

 At you service-

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Map

 My continued and undying love for the world Tolkien created. Here is my prop map that I created for my own personal collection. It's a first generation design with many improvements needed.

More Experimentations

More experimentation with 18th century reproduction banknotes. Not an era that I will continue to produce in large volume. I have created them for a customer's special request. Interesting information during the research, specifically when researching French Revolutionary War Assignats.

At Your Service-

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Uncomfortable Suits

 A little Steampunk/Neo-Victorian Era humor to lighten the day.

Magical Ticket

 Another prop for my personal collection to indulge my love of the Harry Potter book series.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Relaxing Time

      It stuck me that there must be moments of leisure time between fantastic and extraordinary adventuring. Times for Ladies and Gentlemen to relax and enjoy the fine weather. Every great adventure story has some relaxation time in it, which always lets the reader enjoy the characters a little more. Since my discovery of French Impressionist style painting at the age of twelve, I have always held a passion in my heart for those relaxing moments captured so well by those great painters. I love to look at them to get ideas for costumes/props as well as to just let my imagination run away. A wonderful age captured in a unique view. Here are just a few my favorites to share. Enjoy!!

Bon Voyage for now....

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Victorian Smoking Hat

Between 1820 and 1890 a smoking cap or lounging cap was an informal fashion piece that Victorian gentleman aspired to have. They were originally worn indoors to keep the head warm from cold drafts, but continued in style long after heating technology improved. This cap was often embroidered with many colors and bordered on gaudy. It usually had a tassel on top and was fashioned out of velvet, silk, or wool.  Frequently these were made at home by wives or a young lady may make one as a gift to a fiancé. Certain gentlemen that were fortunate to travel to the orient sometimes purchased local turbans or fezzes as unique souvenirs and used them as lounging hats at home. The cap would usually be accompanied by the smoking jacket and worn around the house. It is a fine addition to any gentlemen’s costume for leisure Steampunk wear. Here is my own smoking cap creation. It is a little taller, much like a fez and I made it out of corduroy. It is very comfortable and I wear it while on the computer.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

More War of the World Posters

Some more experimentation with recruiting posters. I think they will turn out better printed in black and white.


 More experimentation with prop paperwork stuff from the world of Steampunk/Neo-Victorian Era.

You Never Know

You never know what kind of cool things you may find at the local Army/Navy Surplus Store for prop use.

War of the Worlds

 I really enjoy H.G. Wells War of Worlds book and so was inspired to create a few posters. Much needed improvement for next time.